Ahmad’s Story

digital reading refugee jordan

Ahmad and his family


Ahmad, Wo’ood, and their four children, are Syrian refugees living in Jordan. Ahmad tells us that the conflict in Syria has affected their whole family– but it has been particularly hard on the children. He believes books on his mobile phone can help: “Reading is important. If the father and mother don’t read this will affect the children in life. Sometimes my children ask me questions and I don’t have the answer to them, I believe the app will help me find those answers.” 

The conflict mostly affected the children. During the first year they faced many difficulties. The kids found it hard to adapt to the new school, new friends and new curriculum. Psychologically it was also difficult. In Syria they were amongst the top students in their classes. When they came here their achievement was lower than in Syria. But by time, and after the first year has passed they became much better and they are now top performers in their classes.

Ahmad and Wo’ood have an important role to play to give their children the best chance to recover and thrive.

With hundreds of Arabic children’s books on their phones through the Worldreader Kids app, Ahmad and Wo’ood can provide their four children with the educational and emotional support they need to succeed in this country where they’ve taken refuge.

refugee jordan reading digital books mobile

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